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How to Sleep Faster and Better

How to Sleep Faster and Better

Sleep is an essence of well-being. According to Dr Dinges, sleep serves multiple functions. Cognitive function and vigilant attention starts to decline after 16 hours of wakefulness. Considering the long term sleep deprivation, it can deteriorate alertness.

If you are consistent with your sleep habits, an approximate 10 to 15 min will be enough to get you snooze. But it can be extended to 30 to 45 minutes if you hold yourself to other activities.

Sleep is distinctly connected with learning and memory. Sleep exaggerates the learning mechanism of the brain and help in consolidating new memories. Sleep deprived people lack focus and attention and therefore eradicate them from learning new things. Sleep consists of sleep cycles which regulate the sleep duration. These sleep cycles consist of REM sleep and NREM Sleep. This whole process of falling asleep and waking up is filled with different activities, many of which goes unconsciously.

While sleep rejuvenate the memories and smoothens the functioning of neurons, it also capitalize our immune system. There is uncountable health benefits associated with healthy sleep.

If we can hold on and consider what is our sleep schedule and match up to the right format of sleep, we would be surprised to know how we are lacking some of the important derivatives of sleep which has been continuously affecting our daily lives.

Sleeping faster is a healthy habit but often we don’t sleep before midnight. Due to the unavoidable circumstances we are continuously forcing ourselves to stay awake.

Sleep faster and quality sleep are concurrent to each other, one cannot be substituted for other. Both if equalized result in massive health benefits and brain efficiency. So even if we consider adopting a healthy sleep practice, where should we start from?

There are some efficient ways to pull yourselves towards your bed which is enumerated as:

Turn off all the lights

  1. Turn off all the lights

By turning of all the light emitting source and consoling yourself to darkness you are the transmitting brainwaves to signal rest. The brain controls all the activities in our body. By creating darkness, you are detaching the brain to focus on other things. Straining your eyes will eventually cause you to stay awake. Give some rest to your brain and eyes. When you are turning off the lights, the body clock or cardiac rhythm will automatically signals the brain to perform sleep.

  1. Faking yourself to sleep

This is a called tricking your brain to form sleep. Try to create a sleep atmosphere. Some people even sleep during the day just by faking the brain to sleep.

Try it this way

Create a dark atmosphere propagated with resting thoughts, close your eyes as if you are in midnight and eventually you will see you are yawning in sleep. Unless you let your brain work over you, you can easily fool the brain to sleep.

Avoid sleeping during day

  1. Avoid sleeping during day

If you sleep during the day you may feel it difficult to fall asleep at night. Our body is accustomed with our sleep schedule and our brain prevents us from oversleeping. Getting proportionate sleep during the day can deprive your sleep at night. It is a balanced procedure to maintain the sleep efficiency. Though if you are sleep deprived, sleeping during the day can boost up the body mechanism.

  1. Perform sleep exercise

There are many exercises to help you catch your bed early. Performing yoga one hour before sleep can reduce stress and induce calmness on your brain. Stress is a major factor keeping you awake. Kick off the stress by performing mindfulness mediation. One of such exercise is progressive muscle relaxation. Calm music before sleep soothens your mind and create an ideal atmosphere for sleep.

  1. Avoid Caffeine

Most of us are already known to the use of caffeine to kill sleep. Caffeine performs a blocking mechanism which disrupts the signal of A1 receptor and A2 receptor.

Most of us are habituated in consuming coffee. According to a research approximately 26.5 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee were consumed by American in the year 2018 and 2019. The number surely gives us an idea of the inducement of caffeine in our day to day life. The A1 Receptor interacts with the adenosine to induce sleep and reduce alertness into our body. Caffeine interrupts the communication between the A1 receptor and the adenosine. As we progress throughout our day, our body releases more and more of the adenosine which cause a feeling of tiredness, when our body is exhausted of the digested sugar, adenosine indicate our body to sleep to restore the sugar concentration refill our reserves. Caffeine binds itself with the A1 receptor to block the signals by the adenosine which in turn can cause wakefulness.

According to study which was published in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, intake of caffeine 6 hours before sleep can deprive you one hour of sleep.

  1. Try your books

Reading is habit will slowly form sleep. Most of the people fall asleep by just the thought of reading a book. Nothing like that, book reading can eventually cause sleep due to the formation of positive thoughts. Reading a novel or journal before sleep can help you fall asleep faster, increase sleep duration and improve the quality of sleep. It reduces stress and induce calmness.

Try a bamboo pillow

  1. Try a bamboo pillow

Not your normal pillow, try bamboo pillow from Sleepsia which is infused with breathable fabric to supply you an excellent level of comfort during sleep. Most of the pillow from the local shops are soft but not sleep centric. Sleepsia Bamboo Pillow is a product of innovation which will trigger your sleep and provide relaxation to your neck, shoulder and upper back muscles. It will increase your sleep duration and keep you at your bed for a longer duration without causing any disturbances. After a stressful day, what you need is a good sleep. Anything which enhances the sleep shall be preferred to accompany your bed. After all it is the quality of sleep which keeps you fresh and working for the next day.

Why bamboo pillow?

Bamboo pillow consist of shredded memory foam which induces greater airflow to cool down the surface of head. The breathability is excellent in bamboo pillow than the traditional pillows.

  1. Think positive

While fear reduces the melatonin secretion in our body, positive thinking can reduce fear and anxiety. Try to think about the positive things happened during the day, relax yourself and visualize the images. Focus on improved thought and recall the events you want to memorize.

  1. Try natural supplements

Magnesium, Melatonin, Vitamin B12, Iron, Vitamin D etc have proven sleep benefits. Consumption of these supplements rich food can fasten your sleep and enhance the sleep quality. Iron form the major component in blood which provides oxygen to our cells. Iron deficiency causes sleep disorders and restless leg syndrome. Magnesium helps in muscle relaxation and is used to treat insomnia. Magnesium also helps in formation of melatonin which is the direct component for your sleep. Melatonin is a hormone produced in our body which regulates sleep. Vitamin B12 is helpful for brain mechanism, reducing stress, regulate energy levels and cell metabolism. It also helps our body to fight infections and diseases.

Lower temperature

  1. Lower temperature

An ideal temperature to sleep is 15.6 to 19.4 degree Celsius. Anything more or less can cause sleep disruption or uneasiness. Reducing the temperature to evacuate heat can help you fall asleep much faster than sleeping in a hot and humid climate. That is the reason why people who sleep naked shows better sleep during duration and experience quality sleep.

Sleep is a derivative of healthy life. Sleeping ideally can show contrasting effect in to your everyday life. If you lack focus, energy, concentration and are experiencing stress, exhaustion and anxiety, maybe you are suffering from lack of sleep. Often at times, we are unable to figure out the right solution for the acquired problem whereas the solutions are readily available at the tip of our finger.


Sleep deprivation is hazardous and what has been efficiently triggering our wakeups could be a bad habit before sleep. Forget identifying, just imply these remedies to get faster and better sleep and remember cure for a sleepless night is a good sleep. So next time you feel sleep deprived, grab your bamboo pillow and get into your bed. Surely you will feel the change.

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