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How Much Sleep Should A Teenager Get?

How Much Sleep Should A Teenager Get?
  • Do feel tired and always feel sleepy?
  • Do you struggle with staying up in class?
  • Do you find it hard to get out of bed for school in the morning?
  • Do you have an overwhelming need for a nap as soon as you get home from school?

Do feel tired and always feel sleepy

Don’t feel alone as many other people experience the same struggles almost everyday. Teens enjoy labeling themselves as "night owls," sharing stories of all-nighters and sleeping the entire Saturday away. Though teenagers and their sleeping habits can aggravate parents, they are partly caused by physical changes during puberty.

"Teens experience a natural shift in circadian rhythm," says Laura Sterni, M.D., a sleep expert. It makes falling asleep before 11 p.m. more difficult. Add in early school start times, more homework, extracurricular activities, possibly a part-time job, and sleep deprivation in teens become common.

Sterni, on the other hand, believes that parents must assist teens in doing their best because this age group requires more sleep than we may realize.

Why do teens need more sleep than adults?

You may wonder how much sleep is enough. Teens need 9 to 12 hours of sleep per night, according to an expert pediatrician —an hour or so more than they did at age 10. Teenagers will be in the second stage of cognitive maturation. It is the reason why they need more sleep.

Extra sleep helps their developing brain and physical growth spurts. It also protects them from serious consequences such as depression or drug abuse.

Quality sleep helps to fuel your body and brain

It is proven scientifically that teens are not sleeping adequately. They need at least 9 to 12 hours of sleep every day to stay well. While you may only sometimes be able to get this much, it is vital to try and get as much as you can.

Even if getting enough sleep does not seem like a deal, teens Who don't get enough sleep get overtired and are more likely to face the following.

  • Struggle in School
  • Have trouble with memory
  • Trouble with concentration
  • Involve in car crashes
  • Depression can turn out to be a severe medical condition

Most experts recommend that parents take teenagers and sleep seriously. Start by modeling good sleep habits, such as adhering to a regular sleep schedule and cutting back on evening caffeine. Experts also suggest that teen-specific and time-tested tips are as follows.

Healthy sleep habits allow you to get rid of Insomnia and circadian Rhythm orders

  • Pediatricians can educate teenagers on how much sleep is enough. And recommend healthy habits for common sleep disorders like Insomnia and circadian Rhythm orders.
  • Having breakfast outside or by a Sunny window helps regulate the body's biological clock. It becomes easy for teenagers to wake up in the morning and drift off at night.

Your teenager performs better when she/he gets enough sleep

  • When your teen is well-rested, you can ask how he felt that day while taking a test or playing a sport. You can help him come to the conclusion that sleep improves his Outlook and help him realize how much sleep is enough.

Sleep deprivation may lead to accidents

  • Sleep deprivation In teenagers can lead to accidents. You can tell your son that he can't drive to school in the morning if he does not get enough sleep.
  • If your teen starts homework after the evening activity, you can help him find an easier time to get started. Ultra-busy schedules will need to be pared down.

An irregular sleep schedule can lead to daytime sleepiness

It is usual for teenagers to shift their sleep schedule during the summer. Just be sure they do not push bedtime too far past the one they had during the school year. Experts claim that those whose Sleep schedule shifts may find it more challenging to return to an appropriate School sleep schedule and experience problems like moodiness and daytime sleepiness at the start of the school year.

Why do you feel sleepy?

Why do you feel sleepy

The reason tends to be quite obvious most of the time. There might be some medical causes of sleepiness. Most sleepy teens don't get enough sleep.

How do you know whether you get enough sleep or not?

Signs that tell you that you need more sleep can include:

  • Difficulty waking up in the morning
  • Falling asleep during classes
  • Feeling moody and depressed.
  • Trouble concentrating most of the day

Why is it hard to get enough sleep?

There are many reasons behind not getting enough rest. Some will be under your control, while others may not.

You will have a busy life, but still, you need downtime to relax. It happens at the expense of sleep. Many teenagers crave the quiet privacy of a late night after their parents have gone to bed. When you think about other things that you need to do, like homework, Sports, chores, socializing, and part-time jobs, getting to bed early enough to get 8 to 10 hours of rest can be pretty hard.

Stay away from mobiles and other modes of tech at night

  • Using tech at night does not cut into teens' sleep time. But, it also exposes them to a type of light that suppresses the body's production of the sleep-inducing hormone. Hence, it becomes tough to fall asleep.

Pediatrics Academy recommends definite school hours. Many high and middle schools explore starting school around 8:30 a.m. It's the time recommended by the Academy of Pediatrics. You can talk to your local School Board about this issue.

We will suggest you do the following to get enough sleep

Have one relaxing bedtime routine

Have one relaxing bedtime routine - Teenagers can have a light snack before bed, such as a glass of milk. Going to sleep at the same time every night improves your ability to fall asleep quickly. Keep your room calm, quiet, and dark but open the curtains and turn on the lights as you get up in the morning.

Be sure that you're not trying to do too much - Do you still have some time for fun and to go to sleep? If you are having trouble sleeping because you have enough on your mind, try keeping a diary or to-do list. You might get less worried or stressed if you write things down before going to bed.

Always fall asleep in your bed - Use your bed for sleeping only. Doing homework and using mobile tablets or playing video games while in bed. Try to be in bed with the lights out for at least 8 hours every night.

Napping during the day can make it challenging to fall asleep - If you want to nap, keep it short or less than 30 minutes. It's better not to take a nap after dinner.

Limit screen time before you go to bed - Electronic media and exposure to the screen slide before trying to sleep can make your very hard to fall asleep. Regardless of how late you go to bed at weekends, try to get up within 2 to 4 hours of your usual sleep time. It is pretty crucial if you have trouble falling asleep on Sunday night.

Getting exercise every day - You need to avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.

Getting exercise every day

Go to a medic if you have the following symptoms

  • You have trouble falling asleep at night despite trying the tips mentioned in the article.
  • You’re awake all night and feel lethargic and sleepy all through the morning, yet you cannot fall asleep easily.
  • You continue to feel like you have no energy despite getting enough sleep.
  • You need help meeting your responsibilities, such as not being able to attend school. Get to work on time or spend your time with pals.
  • You constantly struggle with low mood and a lack of motivation.
  • You have uneasy feelings that make it hard to focus on other things.
  • You often feel sick in other ways, such as headaches, loss of appetite, and other symptoms you cannot explain.

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