In our childhood, we definitely have an experience of a bang in our head while playing and we used to get a bulge in our head as a gift of all our mischief along with a scolding from our parents. We didn’t even care to look it a second time, did we? It was so simple. But now we realize that it wasn’t just a bang, it was a concussion and it isn’t so simple. So let us quickly dive in.
Our brain is the master of our body. Brain through nervous system commands its order throughout our body system, but what if our brain is impaired?
Sleep is one of the many functions which are processed by our body. Whether you sleep at 10 pm or 12 pm. We all have a schedule for our sleep. Why don’t you feel asleep at 10 pm when others are already in their sleep? It happens due to our habit of late sleep which is adopted by our brain. It is our brain which sends signals throughout our body at the adopted time, to get to our bed.
What is a concussion?
Concussion is a traumatic injury to our brain which effects our brain system and functioning. Concussions can sometimes be more severe than it appears. If a person has suffered head injury, it may be more severe than the body injury. Brain is a very delicate part of our body which is protected by our skull; most of the minor injuries are absorbed by the skull leaving the person in a dizzy state. But in case of severe injury, our skull is not able to absorb the whole shock wave and it reaches to our brain system can cause trauma, dizziness, unconsciousness, vomiting, loss of memory and others.
Most concussion is usually temporary and a person may experience headaches, dizziness and vomiting. Remember, we have seen a lot of T.V. shows where someone used to strike their head in a hard object and got fainted that is also a concussion. Light concussion can be caused due to severe headshakes.
Symptoms of concussion
Concussion can sometimes leave you speechless. It differs in the degree of injury suffered by the brain.
Some of the common symptoms suffered after concussions are:
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Blurry vision
- Ringing bell in ears
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Loss of balance
- Delayed speech
- Impaired hearing
- Fainting
Concussions should not be taken lightly, though most concussion will leave you unharmed. But serious concussions can cause permanent damage to your brain and might kill you. If you have suffered serious concussion, you might avoid any mental or physical activities which may worsen your condition.
Concussion can be separated into 4 grades relatively from mild to severe. A grade 1 concussion can leave you with a headache and dizziness while a grade 4 concussion may result in loss of consciousness for more than a minute.
A good sleep is the need of the hour for recovering from any kind of injuries suffered by the brain or body. Taking a good nap might boost up your recover rate.
How sleep effects concussion?
Concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by physical injury or a trauma to the brain. The concussion is result of the damage sustained by the brain cell while suffering from physical injury to the head.
Underlying injury can always be more dangerous that outer ones. An inner injury can result in tissue damage, blood clotting and several other life threatening occurrences which may go unnoticed when visualized. Except unscientific beliefs, sleep doesn’t play any role in enhancing the problems at the time of concussion. A concussion from a physical injury can have serious medical consequences and depending upon the situation, sleep can help enrich your recovery.
Movies and Tv Shows has helped us to circulate this widely belief that if you sleep after concussion, you may never wake up. But the basis of such beliefs is dull and unscientific. But before concluding, there is a catch to it.
You may not die because of sleep but you can die due to the state of sleep. Confused? Read this explanation.
Sleep neither affects the degree of concussion nor enhances it. Rather it may help your recover from the injury. But sleeping after concussion takes you to an unconventional mode, where your injuries can be left unnoticed and untreated by the doctors. As the injury suffered can be an outer injury along with an internal injury, the person suffering the injury can point out the degree of pain and areas of injuries and affects of the injury to other body parts which are to be preferentially treated and gives an overall idea about the nature of injury.
A sleeping person cannot give directives or indication about his trauma to the medical attendant which may not be able to identify the seriousness of injury at the prima facie stage and can leave the internal wounds untreated which inturn could prove fatal for the person and even resulting to death.
Not directly but in some circumstances, sleeping is not a good idea after concussion Which leaves us to the major question?
Should I sleep after a concussion or not?
The answer is yes, but in the given circumstances and a medical attendance should be prioritize
If you are in control of your movements
If you can control your movements, that means your brain is functioning properly and is properly coordinating with other body part. At this situation you can take some rest and after observance, can take a nap. Take the help of the medical if you think the injury is severe.
If your pupils are normal
One of the other indicators is the pupils of your eyes. If the pupils are normal, and your vision is clear, you are able to observe and identify your surroundings, then maybe the trauma is not that severe and you can take checked naps before you visit to your doctor.
If you are able to make conversation
If you are able to make conversation, that means you are in your senses and happens to be okay for a short nap. But whatever is the situation. If you think you should visit a doctor even if you can talk and walk, you should always prioritize that. Some concussion may not show the signs of a serious concussion but are critical to attend. Keep yourself under observance for two to five days if you suffered a concrete concussion. A knock from your door may not be a severe concussion and can make you dizzy and often we think that head injury is not critical because of its appearance. But brain is the most delicate part of our body. Try to keep it under check and avoid causing unnecessary damage to it.